5 great reasons to choose Thailand as a wedding location

5 great reasons to choose Thailand as a wedding location

There are not many things more exciting and important in someone’s life than the time when a perfect partner accepts a proposal of marriage. The happy months that have led up to it meeting friends and family of a partner and the special times shared will continue for many years to come, with the most special of days yet to come.

Because it is such a massive occasion, it should be given the respect that it deserves. There are many ways, locations, and styles of ceremony available nowadays, all of which can depend on whether the happy couple want to follow tradition or have religious beliefs. A wedding in Bangkok is one superb option. Here are 5 great reasons to choose Thailand as a wedding location.

  1. Choosing a luxury hotel to host the wedding guarantees that everyone who attends will enjoy the environment which will add to the occasion. The hotel will have experience having looked after the big day of many couples and have the perfect room to suit all personal tastes. Everything will be arranged, which saves lots of time and stress which the planning would otherwise cause, so that it will be a relaxing and memorable day.
  2. Compared to the cost of a hotel wedding in a Western country, Thailand provides amazing value for money in terms of accommodation as well as the staging of the event. Those who travel will be able to have an amazing time without breaking the bank, while extras such as transport, and catering become affordable. Such benefits will allow the bride-to-be to relax and co-ordinate her jewellery.
  3. The hotel that stages the wedding will be able to accommodate the guests, again providing them with amazing value for money in luxury surroundings, which will include pools, bars, restaurants, as well as rooms that provide every modern amenity of the highest standards. It will be in an excellent location too, which will be easily accessible from the airport.
  4. Announcing that the wedding will be staged in Bangkok will certainly create much excitement among family and friends who are invited. It can form part of a mini holiday so that the whole occasion becomes more memorable and talked about for years to come, while those visiting from overseas can also claim VAT and tax refunds on purchases. It will certainly get plenty of attention back home too from those who see the day through online images. 
  5. Those images will feature some incredible scenery which encapsulates local sights and culture. The wedding day in Bangkok will mean that the city is forever fondly remembered, as guests enjoy it to the max including trying the famed local cuisine. Planning the big day at the right time of year also guarantees perfect weather and no chance of any rain.

A wedding day can be made even more special by staging it in Bangkok. A luxury hotel can take care of everything, offering amazing value for money, and allowing everyone to relax and enjoy themselves.